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Dennis Liwewe: Zambia Vs. British Colonials
by Mwizenge S. Tembo, Ph. D. Author of “Satisfying Zambian Hunger for Culture”. Professor of Sociology Dennis Liwewe’s greatest radio commentary in his illustrious career was perhaps the football game that took place at Woodlands Stadium on October 23, 1964. … read more
The “Dirtiest” Book Ever? :Satisfying Zambian Hunger for Culture
By Mwizenge S. Tembo, Ph. D. Professor of Sociology “Greetings Prof Tembo, It is with the great joy writing to you to express my heartfelt joy using your book titled: Satisfying Zambian Hunger for Culture: Social Change in the Global World. Bloomington, … read more
The Bare-Breast Controversy: Kulanga and Proper Conduct at Public Ceremonies.
by Mwizenge S. Tembo, Ph. D. Professor of Sociology When I was young growing up in the village, one day I rushed home to my parents to report that my brother had insulted and used the worst vile language, kutuka, … read more

The Significance of Kuopa or “to fear” and other Zambian Customs.
by Mwizenge S. Tembo, Ph. D. Professor of Sociology. In September 2012 just a few weeks after my book “Satisfying Zambian Hunger for Culture” was published, I was a guest on Mr. James Mwape’s Blog Radio to discuss some aspects … read more

Role of Sex in Marriage: the Zambian Cultural Heritage
February 5, 2014 I was talking to a man in his sixties in the village in Lundazi in the Eastern Province of Zambia. He told me that some muzungu first came to the district about thirty years ago and asked … read more

Should Zambian Languages be Taught in Schools?
January 16, 2014 Who among 13 million Zambians today will land the best job in Lusaka, Kitwe, Johannesburg in South Africa, in London in UK, Tokyo in Japan, or the United Nation in New York because they are fluent in … read more

Zambia Center for Contemplation of Knowledge
Before gaining independence from British colonialism in 1964, an estimated 3 million Zambians belonging to 72 tribes had traditional forums in their villages in which they discussed, contemplated and exchanged knowledge about all subjects. The men contemplated knowledge at the … read more

Profile of Prof. Mwizenge S. Tembo, Ph. D.
Growing Up My name was formerly Jacob Tembo. I was born at Mshawa Chungu primary school outside Chipata in 1954 where my father was teaching at the time. The best thing my parents did for me for the whole of …
The Double Life of Billy Tipton
The Painful Problems of Biological Sex and Gender in Society Since feminist scholars identified the critical difference between biological sex and the cultural construction of gender, heated arguments have been evident. Radical feminists have argued that sex differences are a … read more

The Importance of Violent Sports?
It was third down and 18 yards. The running back was pulled out. Everyone in the stadium including my dog watching the game on TV at home knew it was an obvious pass play. The ball was snapped. The receivers … read more

What Makes Marriages & Families Endure?
Ten thousand miles away in a remote village in Lundazi rural district of Zambia in a grass-roofed house, the cell phone rang a couple of times. The distinct voice of my younger brother said: “Here is Adada.” I said hello … read more

BC Football in action
Photos of the Bridgewater Football team will be posted here as the season progresses. Check back for additional photo albums after home games! Photo by Mwizenge Tembo, read more