A Poem in Three Parts by Mwizenge S. Tembo
The Forlon Cry

I have looked in the corners
Of many chatrooms
Brimming with chattering peoples
Saying nothing
Night and day
My heart is heavy
Singed with ambers
Of glowing red-hot love
Unfulfilled deep desires
Nothing will squelch them
Trish how can I kiss
Your feet
The very ground you saunter on
Trish I miss your laugh
The forlon cry of a lonely man
I have gone to all corners
Of many chatrooms
Desperately looking and hoping
To get even just a glimpse of you
Looking for your smile
Oh, the pain of missing you
I knew you when the tree
Outside my window
Had leaves of golden amber
Then they all fell off one day
The snow is all gone
The spring bright flowers
Of a thousand beautiful colors
Birds singing lovely melodies
Precious, how can I can I kiss
Your feet
The very ground
You tread on
Trish I miss you so much
The forlon cry of a lonely man
Has anyone seen Trish?
The Goddess of Newtownards
My heart sings
Songs of joy
Since I met you
Goddess of newtownards
The sun shines brighter
The world is a kinder place
The mind is strong
Life has meaning
Since I met you the
I yearn so much to be with you
To touch you
To hold you
To laugh with you
The future has meaning
Since I met you
The Goddess of Newtownards
The tears of joy
Glaze my weary eyes
Cracking a sweet smile of gratitude
When I think of you
How life can be
So sweet but so cruel
Been deathly lovesick
Since I met you
The Goddess of Newtownards
You have given me life
Strength to wake up in the morning
For another day
Strength to appreciate
The secret joy of life
Since I met you
The Goddess of newtownards
Deep down in your heart
There is a burning flickering candle
That is love
Protect it fiercely from
The violent winds of hate
Protect it fiercely from the
Violent rapture of jealousy
Protect It fiecelyr from the seductive
Desire for material possessions
Protect it fiercely from the
Destructive storms of anger
Since I met you
The Goddess of Newtownards
The Rainy Day

The rainy cloudy Saturday
Was made in heaven
To quench the long
Yearnings of lovers
The soft pelting sound
Of rain drops on the roof
Draws lovers closer
Under the warm blankets
Water drips meandering down
On the misty window glass
Howling, smooching and swishing
Sounds of a kind rumble
Thunderstorm of soft rain
Soothe the turbulent souls
Of lovers
Each in their thoughts
This moment should never end
The hot taste of tea
The hot taste of coffee
The hot taste of chocolate
Warms the body and soul
The gaze into
Each other’s eyes
Melts into smile
Of twinkling eyes
Drawing the magnetic
French kiss
Bodies unite in a primordial
Desire for symbiosis
Ecstasy and bliss follows
Oh! how lovers
Would do anything
For a rainy cloudy Saturday