The October Heat is Sweet

We have all watched those exciting colorful documentaries on TV of the Cheetah chasing the swift Thompson Gazelle at high speeds of 65 mph or 104 Km Per hour zigzagging through the Savannah plains in a cloud of dust. Once … read more

woman with water

Zambians in Ancient Egypt

We Zambians Created Ancient Egypt Have you read an article that instantly so profoundly changes your life that you realize you are no longer the same person you were minutes or half an hour before? I will never forget the … read more

school children

Review: Intelligence and Schooling

The Significance of Schooling and Cross-cultural Differences in Intelligence As modern influences penetrate all remote corners of the world, the contemporary universal view is that if you introduce formal schooling to any group of rural people, they will learn to … read more


Pain and Suffering

A third of the way into the movie, the sniffles among the audience turned into sporadic moaning and weeping. The relentless blows that Jesus endured en route to his crucifixion made me flinch. Perhaps the first pragmatic lesson about watching … read more

village road

Do You Love to Walk?

I love to walk. I yearn to walk. I would like to walk to the store, to work, to the Post Office, and grocery store especially in the summer in North America. But I can’t because the places where I … read more

The Demands of Being Christian

The Powerful Demands of being a Christian in Our Lives These ideas have been inspired by my life-long human struggle and contemplation of goodness and evil, human suffering and triumph, appreciation of both beauty and ugliness. Growing up as a … read more

man eating lion

Zumbwe Wild Cat and Human Greed

Why is it that Martha Stewart, Bill Gates, Tiger Woods, Oprah Winfrey and other rich moguls want more billions upon billions of dollars? Why is it that we consume more and more oil polluting the environment, gorge ourselves on too … read more

So Many Ways to Express Romantic Love

My Entrancing: So Many Ways to Express Romantic Love My entrancing, Your letter was truly splendid. Your phantasmagoric interpretation of our panomic culture was most enlightening. Your symbology provoked me to regard your conceptual lucidity and articulation when concretizing the … read more

Memories of a Lover

Kamthibi and Trish were in Williamsburg that memorable weekend of the Fall in October. They parked their red convertible car on the lovely Winery Grounds surrounded by acres of grape plants.  Holding hands, they excitedly floated into the Italian festival … read more


Challenges of Village Library Project

Over four decades ago, a young village African boy was summoned urgently from his goat herding chores. His uncle told the boy to wash his body, comb his hair, wear the brand new khaki uniform and the uncle was going … read more


Kamthibi Diaries: Diary of a Young Teenager

Unedited Diary of a Young Teenager – Book One August, 1969 I went home that day semi-discouraged and encouraged. I had very high hopes, expectations, dreams and imaginations about my school holidays. On the other hand, I had planned with … read more

man eating lion

The Ghosts of Man-Eating Lions

I must have been about seven years old. My dad had gone out of town on business riding his bike through sixty miles of dangerous desolate wilderness in Luangwa Valley of the Eastern Province of Zambia in Southern Africa. At … read more