Birthday cake in Lusaka in Zambia 1988Your big brother and your mom in 1985.Withe Ben and Margaret in 1985With Uncle Dave and Aunt Marie at your baptismWhen you as a big baby were place in the tiny tub on the right during baptism, there was a wave of a tsunami that spilled over on to the priest’s robe. This caused laughter.Participating in a Christmas play at your preschool in Lusaka in Zambia; December 1988.On the way just before going to preschool early in the morning in Lusaka in ZambiaOn the way just before being dropped off at school early in the morning.With grandpa Sani Zibalwe Tembo at Zibalwe Village in 1988. Grandpa made bows and arrows for you and your brother. He also gave you small bags of peanuts to carry with you. This was in 1988.You standing by the white cupboard getting ready to walk for the first time. November 1985.This is one of my most favorite picture of you with the exciting look and effort of the first walk; you had held on to a spoon. You don’t seem to have it in your right hand. By the time your mom came back home probably from an errand, you had been walking around our little apartment living room for may be an hour. You drew this birthday poster of yourself in Zambia in 1988.With Uncle John and Gandma Sue at Earhart in Ann Arbor; the most memorable house.With your baby brother and big brother in November 1989.With Santa Clause in 1986 in East LansingWith Aunt Sara.Happy times with Uncle Dave.At the best summer swimming pond in the world at Earhart in Ann Arbor. Even your little brother on the left was dipping his toes in there. With your little brother and big brother at our apartment in Ypsilanti in Michigan in April 1990. With your block playmates in front of our house in Lusaka November 1989. Where are all these playmates now? May be you can track them down.With some of your cousins in Michigan or was it here in Virginia?Another birthday cake with friends.With President Geisert of Bridgewater College during May Day Parade Court during which you carried the ceremonial May Day Court Ring to crown the winner.With the family at the Farm House in 1991As a member of the Wilber Pence Middle School basketball team.As a member of the Lawn Party Marching Band in Keezletown in August 1994.With your older brother on his birthday with many of his friends from many countries at the Chuck EE Cheese play center at Meridian Mall in East Lansing in Michigan December 1986. One of the pictures that says children would be so much better if they play with children from many different countries.